
Does An Apple a Day Keep the Dentist Away?

Who has never heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? But we want to know, does an apple a day keep the dentist away? And really, do apples clean your teeth?   There’s no denying the nutritional benefits of the delicious fruit. But simply stating, “an apple a day keeps plaque away” is as […]

Are You a Skeptic or a Believer?

skeptic or scep·tic [skep-tik] noun a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual   Skeptics question everything before they believe it. But it’s not that skeptics don’t believe anything to be true, they just need solid research before they are convinced of it. Are you a skeptic, or do you […]

Dental Health and Your Immune System

Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but impacts the health of your immune system and overall health. A doctor in the United Kingdom did an experiment for a series on the BBC regarding tooth health and how dental health and immune system health impact one another. He spent two weeks […]

5 Tips for Healthy Holiday Smiles

Today is December 1st, which means that the holiday season is in full swing. A season of holiday cheer doesn’t mean a holiday from dental health.  In fact, the change in your schedule and diet means that it is even more essential to be vigilant in maintaining your beautiful smile. Here are five pointers for […]

Swimming and Your Teeth

You Know about Swimmer’s Ear. But What about Swimmer’s Teeth?   Have your teeth ever felt extra sensitive after a swim at the pool? That’s no coincidence, although it can take quite a lot of swimming before the effects become noticeable. What is it about the water in swimming pools that damages teeth? Chlorine: Good For […]

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart

Does Dental Health Affect Heart Health?   Valentines Day, a day filled with love and hearts has come and gone, but did you know that you can keep your heart healthy with better oral care? Though the link between dental health and heart health is not completely clear, experts say it’s important to take care […]

Myth or Fact? 8 Common Dental Myths Debunked.

Myth or Fact? Let’s Separate Fact From Fiction…   You hear tips about your oral health all the time – from friends, family, the media, advertisements, and more…so how do you know what to believe and what to ignore? Let’s separate fact from fiction and reveal the truth about these dental myths. Myth #1: Brushing […]

Tricky Treats: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Trick? Or Treat? Time for Pumpkins, Costumes, and Lots and LOTS of Candy.   Did you know that just over 25% of candy purchased in America each year is bought at Halloween? Halloween and candy go hand in hand, but sugary treats can do scary things to your teeth if you aren’t careful. The bacteria […]

National Dental Hygiene Month – Start the Conversation

October is Fall October is Halloween (Candy) October is National Dental Hygiene Month   October is National Dental Hygiene Month. It’s a great time to remember the importance of good oral hygiene and the role that your dental hygiene routine plays in helping to develop – and maintain – a healthy mouth and smile. Since […]