maxillofacial surgeon

Oral Surgeon vs. Dentist?

What Does It Take To Be An Oral Surgeon? It’s time to go back to basics. Sometimes we forget what our doctors and care providers went through to become highly trained professionals. While we see them as the caring individuals who “magically” know about our problems and how to fix them, we don’t know all […]

What Is An Oral Surgeon?

What Does It Take To Be An Oral Surgeon? It’s time to go back to basics. Sometimes we forget what our doctors and care providers went through to become highly trained professionals. While we see them as the caring individuals who “magically” know about our problems and how to fix them, we don’t know all […]

5 Dental Terms You Think You Know, But Do You?

Here are five dental terms that you might have heard before, but didn’t really know what they mean or why they are important. Impacted Tooth: When a tooth is unable to fully enter the mouth it is said to be “impacted”. In general, an impacted tooth is prevented from breaking through the gums either by […]

Does Malocclusion Matter?

Why Does Occlusion Matter? Occlusion refers to the alignment of teeth and the way that the upper and lower teeth fit together (bite). The upper teeth should fit slightly over the lower teeth. The points of the molars should fit the grooves of the opposite molar. Malocclusion is poor fit or alignment of the teeth and […]

5 Dental Terms You Think You Know, But Do You?

  Here are five dental terms that you might have heard before, but didn’t really know what they mean or why they are important. Impacted Tooth: When a tooth is unable to fully enter the mouth it is said to be “impacted”. In general, an impacted tooth is prevented from breaking through the gums either […]

What Is An Oral Surgeon and Why Would I Need To See One?

What Does It Take To Be An Oral Surgeon? Sometimes we forget what our doctors and care providers went through to become highly trained professionals. While we see them as the caring individuals who “magically” know about our problems and how to fix them, we don’t know all that went into making them specialists. Let’s […]