San Diego

Do You Know What’s in Your Oral Hygiene Products?

7 Things to Know About the Ingredients in Over the Counter Oral Hygiene Products 1. Most Oral Hygiene Products Contain Abrasives Abrasives help remove stains from the teeth. Initially, the abrasives added were quite rough in texture, but today’s abrasives are comparably gentle. They primarily consist of hydrated aluminum oxides, dehydrated silica gel, and calcium […]

Dental Health and Your Immune System

Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but impacts the health of your immune system and overall health. A doctor in the United Kingdom did an experiment for a series on the BBC regarding tooth health and how dental health and immune system health impact one another. He spent two weeks […]

4 Tips to Keep Your Teeth Safe this July 4th

It’s Time for Fireworks, Fun and Family! We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. But July 4, 1776 wasn’t the day that the […]

5 Dental Terms You Think You Know, But Do You?

Here are five dental terms that you might have heard before, but didn’t really know what they mean or why they are important. Impacted Tooth: When a tooth is unable to fully enter the mouth it is said to be “impacted”. In general, an impacted tooth is prevented from breaking through the gums either by […]

Thank You For Your Service

Beginning in 1918, at the end of the First World War, November 11th has been commemorated in the United States as the day when all who have ever served or who are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces is celebrated. Each year Veterans’ Day affords Americans the opportunity to pay our respects to all […]

Thank You

Thank you for trusting us with your dental health care. You are a valuable part of my work and my life. You should know that we at McGann Facial Design appreciate your time and your trust. A smile is contagious and we love coming into work everyday and helping our fellow community members achieve the […]

7 Surprising Labor Day Facts

Labor Day is one of the least recognized, forgotten holidays of the year, but one that we seem to appreciate only after realizing it gives us a three-day weekend in September. Here are seven tidbits you probably never knew about the holiday.   1. The First Labor Day was Celebrated in New York on September 5, 1882 […]