San Diego

5 Dental Terms You Think You Know, But Do You?

  Here are five dental terms that you might have heard before, but didn’t really know what they mean or why they are important. Impacted Tooth: When a tooth is unable to fully enter the mouth it is said to be “impacted”. In general, an impacted tooth is prevented from breaking through the gums either […]

Leadership In Dentistry Series

On October 3rd, McGann Facial Design hosted leading dental practices throughout San Diego to hear Greg Clowminzer, a noted business and life coach, speak about how to grow one’s practice. The message focused on how leadership, at all levels, and self-awareness can lead to increased productivity and ultimately a better patient experience. Do you ever […]

Treating and Preventing Facial Injury

Play Hard. Play Safe. Prevent Facial Injury. Did you know that most sports-related facial fractures among children occur when they’re trying to catch a baseball or softball? According to new research, these injuries are relatively common, and they can be serious. Study Leader Dr. Lorelei Grunwaldt and colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh examined […]

Clean Teeth = Good Health

Teeth Care = Health Care Okay. So all of us have been told that regular visits to the dentist are good for us and good for our health. Here are a few reasons why having your teeth cleaned regularly is a good idea. 1. To Help Prevent Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath, or halitosis, has […]

The Connection Between Comic-Con and Oral Surgery?

It is that time of the year here in San Diego — Comic-Con International: San Diego 2013. The city swarms with fans, gamers, celebrities, animators, artists, filmmakers, and media-types focused on the biggest and newest in popular culture. Of course, superheroes are always part of the attraction. And here is where the intersection of oral […]

What is Orthognathic Surgery?

What is Orthognathic Surgery? Simply put, it is corrective jaw surgery. It is surgery to correct conditions of the jaw and face related to structure, growth, sleep apnea, TMJ disorders, jaw misalignment, or congenital problems like cleft palate that cannot be easily treated with braces. While an orthodontist uses techniques to straighten out teeth, those approaches […]

Summertime Snooze

What Does Obstructive Sleep Apnea Look Like? A daytime nap on a long, summer day is a beautiful thing. However, too many naps can be a red flag. Why? Well, daytime sleepiness can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious condition that can lead to heart and other health problems. While there […]

Um. Excuse Me. Your Tori are Showing…

        Like our Secret Patient last week, have you ever discovered a strange or unexpected growth in your mouth near the jaw line, on your gums, on the roof of your mouth, or under your tongue? While they can look scary or gross, an exostosis or torus (plural: exostes or tori) can […]