
Are You a Skeptic or a Believer?

skeptic or scep·tic [skep-tik] noun a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual   Ok, we know what you were thinking–that this article might be about something else. Nope, we keep things always on point here at McGann Facial Design. So, here’s the truth behind eight dental myths. Dental Myth […]

What, Exactly, Is A Deep Teeth Cleaning?

What is a Deep Teeth Cleaning? A dental deep cleaning, sometimes referred to as gum therapy, is a treatment that cleans between the gums and teeth down to the roots. Like a regular cleaning, the hygienist or dentist will clean the tooth, gum line and sides of the teeth. However in a deep teeth cleaning, […]

The Basics On Mouth Sores

True Dental Health is not Limited to Your Teeth… Dental health involves the entire mouth – mouth sores and irritations are unfortunately common occurrences in and around the mouth. Fortunately, oral tissues typically and quickly heal on their own. Learn more about the 4 most common mouth sores, some of their causes, treatment, and more. […]

Tips On Your Brushing Technique

Brushing your teeth is so routine that you may take it for granted that there is a right way (and a wrong way) to get the most out of your two daily tooth brushings. Here are a few basic things to remember: 2 Minutes Brush for two minutes and continually move the brush around the entire […]

Good Friday, Good Health

With Good Friday around the corner, this piece is intended as a general reminder of the importance of oral health as a part of one’s overall well-being. The mouth is a mini ecosystem, with important interactions between your own body and a host of bacteria. The majority of these bacteria are not only harmless, but […]

Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

Why Restore Your Smile? If you’ve lost a tooth, especially one that’s not visible to others when you speak or smile, you may be thinking that you can slide by without replacing it. Sure, it will feel weird for a while, but you’ll get used it — or will you? Not replacing a missing tooth can […]

Say What?! You Can Floss with Water?

  When We Say Floss, We Don’t Mean That Silly Dance!   Most people today know the importance of brushing and flossing. However, are you aware that there are actually TWO ways you can floss? There is, of course, the traditional way of using string floss…but then, there is water flossing. What is Water Flossing? […]

Fruits – A Toothbrush Substitute?

We all have heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? But we want to know, does an apple a day keep the dentist away? And really, do apples clean your teeth?   There’s no denying the nutritional benefits of the delicious fruit. But simply stating, “an apple a day keeps plaque away” is […]

Thank You For Trusting Us!

    One of the most gratifying things about oral surgery is that our job consists almost entirely of caring for others. “Thank you for taking care of me” notes from our patients are a motivational wonder of our work. Patients thank us all the time, but we would like to take this moment to […]