
Dental Health & Immunity

Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but impacts the health of your immune system and overall health. Poor oral health results in inflammation throughout the body—starting with just mild reaction in the gums. While in the short-term, inflammation is a healthy response, in the long term, it can damage the […]

Keep Your Mouth Healthy This Holiday Season

  Keep Your Holiday Season Happy AND Healthy   The holiday season is here and while a bit different this year, being happy and healthy does not get old. While the winter holidays are all about sweet treats and tempting goodies, that doesn’t mean that you have to end up at the dentist with cavities […]

Fruits – A Toothbrush Substitute?

Before you know it, summer fruit will be here. Yummy! And we all have heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? But we want to know, does an apple a day keep the dentist away? And really, do apples clean your teeth?   There’s no denying the nutritional benefits of the delicious fruit. […]

Go Padres!

Ok, had to throw that in there to get your attention. But now that we have it, let’s talk about oral health and the immune system. Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but impacts the health of your immune system and overall health. A doctor in the United Kingdom did […]

Are You a Skeptic or a Believer?

skeptic or scep·tic [skep-tik] noun a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual   Ok, we know what you were thinking–that this article might be about something else. Nope, we keep things always on point here at McGann Facial Design. So, here’s the truth behind eight dental myths. Dental Myth […]

Dental Health and Your Immune System

Talk about the health of one’s immune system has clearly seen a bump in the COVID-19 era. So it is a good reminder to understand the connection between dental health and your immune system. Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but impacts the health of your immune system and overall […]

Fruits – A Toothbrush Substitute?

We all have heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? But we want to know, does an apple a day keep the dentist away? And really, do apples clean your teeth?   There’s no denying the nutritional benefits of the delicious fruit. But simply stating, “an apple a day keeps plaque away” is […]

Dental Health and Your Immune System

Good dental hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but impacts the health of your immune system and overall health. A doctor in the United Kingdom did an experiment for a series on the BBC regarding tooth health and how dental health and immune system health impact one another. He spent two weeks […]

Swimming and Your Teeth

You Know about Swimmer’s Ear. But What about Swimmer’s Teeth?   Have your teeth ever felt extra sensitive after a swim at the pool? That’s no coincidence, although it can take quite a lot of swimming before the effects become noticeable. What is it about the water in swimming pools that damages teeth? Chlorine: Good For […]